Utilizing Keyv for Caching in Node.js: A Step-by-Step Guide

1. Setting up the Project

To start a new Node.js project, you first need to create a new directory for your project and then initialize a new Node.js project in that directory.

mkdir keyv-cache-demo
cd keyv-cache-demo
npm init -y

The npm init -y command will create a new package.json file in your project directory with default settings.

2. Installing Keyv and its Dependencies

In this step, you'll install Keyv and a Keyv storage adapter for your project. For this example, we'll use Redis as the storage backend.

npm install cacheable @keyv/redis --save

Keyv supports a variety of storage adapters like Redis, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, etc. Feel free to choose the one that best fits your project requirements.

3. Creating a Caching Service Example

In this step, we'll create a simple caching service using Keyv.

Create a new file named cacheService.js in your project directory and add the following code to that file.

import { Cacheable } from 'cacheable';
import KeyvRedis from '@keyv/redis';

// Initialize Keyv with Redis as the storage backend
const secondary = new KeyvRedis('redis://user:pass@localhost:6379');
const cache = new Cacheable({ secondary, ttl: '4h' }); // default time to live set to 4 hours

// Usage
async function fetchData() {
  const key = 'myData';
  let data = await cache.get(key);
  if (!data) {
    data = await getMyData(); // Function that fetches your data
    await cache.set(key, data, 10000); // Cache for 10 seconds
  return data;