How to Implement Caching with Koa

What is Koa?

Koa is a web framework from the team behind Express that offers a smaller, more expressive, more robust foundation for APIs and web applications. Koa's use of async functions removes the need for callbacks and increases error handling. A Koa Context combines a node request and response object into a single object providing numerous helpful methods for writing APIs and web apps.

What is a Cache?

A cache is a short-term, high-speed data storage layer that stores a subset of data, enabling it to be retrieved faster than accessing it from its primary storage location. Caching allows you to reuse previously retrieved data efficiently.

Caching Support in Keyv via Cacheable

We can use Keyv to implement caching using Cacheable which is a high performance layer 1 / layer 2 caching framework built on Keyv. It supports multiple storage backends and provides a simple, consistent API for caching.

Example - Add Cache Support Using Koa

import Koa from 'koa';
import { Cacheable } from 'cacheable';
import KeyvRedis from '@keyv/redis';

// by default layer 1 cache is in-memory. If you want to add a layer 2 cache, you can use KeyvRedis
const secondary = new KeyvRedis('redis://user:pass@localhost:6379');
const cache = new Cacheable({ secondary, ttl: '4h' }); // default time to live set to 4 hours

const app = new Koa();

app.use(async ctx => {
    // this response is already cashed if `true` is returned,
    // so this middleware will automatically serve this response from cache
    if (await cache.get(ctx.url)) {
        return cache.get(ctx.url);

    // set the response body here
    ctx.body = 'hello world!';
    // cache the response
    await cache.set(ctx.url, ctx.body. cacheTTL);